
Jackson Tupelo 12.5 ...

Unlimited Destinations! Go Anywhere.

High Quality Gear.  Well Maintained

Easy Pickup & Dropoff.  Central location

Recreational Touring Package includes: Boat, Paddle, & PFD.

Additional Gear including extra paddles, and youth life jackets are available and should be added to your reservation now to ensure availability. 

You will be given a basic orientation to equipment use during your checkout.  If you have questions, that is a great time to ask them.

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Jackson Nirvana Kaya...

Unlimited Destinations!  Go Anywhere.

High Quality Gear.  Well Maintained

Easy Pickup & Dropoff.  Central location

A basic Gear Package (4 items) comes with the rental: helmet, paddle, pfd, & skirt. Additional equipment including wetsuits and drysuits are available for sale and rental at our store.  

This is a whitewater kayak that requires the use of a Spraydeck.  Appropriate skills or training are required. Therefore our rentals require qualification. We may inquire as to your plans and personal preparedness.   We reserve the right to decline rentals due to risk. 

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Jackson Rockstar 4.0...

Unlimited Destinations!  Go Anywhere.

High Quality Gear.  Well Maintained

Easy Pickup & Dropoff.  Central location

A basic Gear Package (4 items) comes with the rental: helmet, paddle, pfd, & skirt. Additional equipment including wetsuits and drysuits are available for sale and rental at our store.  

This is a whitewater kayak that requires the use of a Spraydeck.  Appropriate skills or training are required. Therefore our rentals require qualification. We may inquire as to your plans and personal preparedness.   We reserve the right to decline rentals due to risk. 

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Denver Sol Train Gal...

Package includes: Board, Paddle, PFD, Pump, carry bag.

Additional Gear including electric pumps, extra paddles, and youth life jackets are available and should be added to your reservation now to ensure availability.

You will be given a basic orientation to inflatable paddle board use during your checkout.  If you have questions, that is a great time to ask them.

For rentals longer than fourteen days call our shop.

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Denver Hala Hoss Inf...

Unlimited Destinations! Go Anywhere.

High Quality Gear.  Well Maintained

Easy Pickup & Dropoff.  Central location

Package includes: Board, Paddle, PFD, Pump, carry bag.

Additional Gear including electric pumps, extra paddles, and youth life jackets are available and should be added to your reservation now to ensure availability.

You will be given a basic orientation to inflatable paddle board use during your checkout.  If you have questions, that is a great time to ask them.

For rentals longer than fourteen days call our shop.

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